Hyper Open Edge Cloud

[CANCELLED] Maintenance: Mar, 20th 2023 18:00 GMT: Premium.CDN and Canary clusters configuration change

Rapid.Space Maintenance. Read the article for real time information.
  • Last Update:2023-03-20
  • Version:001
  • Language:en

20/03/2023 19:00 GMT: Premium.CDN and Canary clusters configuration change cancelled

The configuration change has been cancelled and will be done in another time.

20/03/2023 18:00 GMT: Premium.CDN and Canary clusters configuration change

We are going to apply changes to our CDN clusters:

  • Premium.CDN node in China CNC region
    • this will result with short disruptions of traffic on the region
  • Premium.CDN two nodes in Japan region
    • each node will be maintained separately, thus result with traffic coming to another node
  • Canary two nodes in Japan region
    • each node will be maintained separately, thus result with traffic coming to another node